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Supplement information: BETA - CAROTENE (PRO - VITAMIN A)
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General description Fat soluble non-essential vitamin A precursor
Found - yellow fruit
- yellow and leafy vegetables
- carrots, spinach
- sweet potato
- yams
- apricots
- spirulina, alfaalfa
- wheat grass
Anti-aging role - free - radical fighter
- protect against damage caused by UV rays
- enhance the immune system
Deficiency symptoms It is not possible to develop true beta-carotene deficiency. However alcohol consumption decrease beta - carotene in liver.
People with hypothyroidism and diabetes may have trouble converting beta - carotene in vitamin A.
Therapeutic doses 20 000 - 50 000 IU. (12 000 - 30 000 mcg)
No RDA has been established.
Non toxic.

Natural beta-carotene: retinol = 12:1
Synthetic beta-carotene: retinol = 6:1
Maximum safe level Not established.
Side effects - syntethic beta - carotene may increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.
- 60mg/day short-term and 30 g/day long-term may cause yellow skin color.
Contraindications - liver disease
- kidney disease
Interactions - cholestiramine
- colestipol
- mineral oil
- vitamin E
- neomycin
Composition formulas - usually by itself or in combination with other carotens or vitamins and minerals