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Supplement information: ALOE VERA
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General description Plant with beneficial effect on the skin.
Found - aloe plant (Aloa barbadensis)
Anti-aging role - lower blood glucose and cholesterol level
- relieve constipation
- reduce chemotherapy side effects
- topical - soften skin, promote wound and small burns healing; reduce psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases symptoms
Deficiency symptoms Not possible.
Therapeutic doses 50 mg aloe extract a day
Maximum safe level - time limit for oral using of barbadensis aloe is two weeks
Side effects - product can contain small amounts of aloe latex - can cause abdominal pain and cramps
- if used in pregnancy may cause misscarige
Contraindications - pregnancy, lactating
- kids under 12 years of age
- hemorrhoids
Interactions - laxatives
- digoxin
- glucose lowering drugs
Composition formulas - usually capsules with barbadensis aloe extract
Other remarks - long - term usage of aloe latex (1 g per few consecutive days) can be fatal and can cause serious outcomes