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Supplement information: BIOTIN (VITAMIN B-7, VITAMIN H)
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General description Water soluble enzymes cofactor
Found - yeast
- liver and organ meat
- egg yolk
- grains
- nuts, peas, beans
- fish
Anti-aging role - required for the formation of fatty acids and glucose metabolism
- required for metabolism of aminoscids and carbohydrates
- required for healthy hair, skin, nails, sweat glands, nerves, bone marrow and normal bone growth
- may help in prevention of SIDS
Deficiency symptoms - scaly dermatitis, sensitive skin
- inflamed sore tongue
- loss of appetite, nausea
- depression, insomnia
- muscle pain, burning sensation
- sitophobia - fear of eating
- paleness, anemia
- heart function abnormalities
- increased cholesterol
- depression of immune system
Therapeutic doses 50 - 200 mcg combined with other B - complex vitamins
European RDA: 150mcg
Maximum safe level 2,5 mg for long and short-term usage
Contraindications - diabetes
Interactions - gabapentin
- phenobarbital
- valproic acid
Composition formulas - usually as ingredient of B-complex supplements or with other vitamins and minerals
Other remarks - gut flora produce biotin in small amount