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Supplement information: CURCUMIN
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General description Lyposoluble turmeric extract with strong antioxidant effect.
Found - turmeric
- ginger
Anti-aging role - antioxidant
- hepatoprotective, cardioprotective
- reduce inflammation - beneficial effect on all inflammatory processes in the body
- reduce pain
- lower blood pressure and CRP
- increase HDL blood level
- reduce lipid peroxidation
- lower triglyceride and glucose blood level
- reduce PMS and menstrual ailments, osteoarthritis and depression
- elevate adiponectine
- activate tumor - supressor genes
- reduce itching
- prevent type 2 diabetes
- improve concentration
- prevent formating of blood clots
- topical - antiseptic, adstrigent, protect skin against UV rays, keep skin moist and elastic, smooth irregularities
Deficiency symptoms Not possible.
Therapeutic doses - reducing pain: 400-500 mg turmeric powder
- high colesterol level: 1400 mg/day divided in two doses
- osteoarthritis: 500 mg/day
- type 2 diabetes prevention: 750 mg/day
Maximum safe level Not established, but it's not recommended intake more than 8 grams a day.
Side effects - rarely - diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, agitation, tachycardia
- theoretically - it's possible hypoglycemia in diabetic patients, prolonged blood clotting time, worsening symptoms of bile duct obstruction, reduced sperm motility and reducing the level of testosterone, but it's not proven
- high amounts of native curcumin may decrease iron absorption and cause iron deficiency
Contraindications - bile stones and bile duct obstruction
- not recommended to people with GERB
- it's assumed that curcumin acts in the body similiar to estrogen, so it's not recommended to use curcumin in estrogen-sensitive tumors
Interactions - sinergistic with vitamin D
Composition formulas - usually as high-concentrated turmeric powder (98% of curcumin)
- in combination with vitamin D and piperine, or by itself
- in anti-aging cremes
Other remarks - curcumin has poor solubility and absorption, which is improved with the micellization or simultaneous administration of piperine
- 6 mg of micellar curcumin fit to 1 g of native curcumin