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Supplement information: IODINE
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General description Trace element important for normal thyroid function.
Found - kelp
- seafood
- iodized salt and sea salt
- eggs
- garlic
Anti-aging role - regulating basal metabolism rate
- protect against toxic effects from radioactive material
- relieve pain and sorens associated with fibrocystic breast disease
- prevent dental caries
Deficiency symptoms - goiter, hypothyroidism
- physical and mental sluggishness
- poor circulation
- low vitality
- dry hair and skin
- cold hands and feet
- obesity
- cretinism
- hearing loss
- pregnancy complications
Therapeutic doses 150 - 300 mcg
RDA - 150 mcg
Maximum safe level 500 mcg long term usage
700 mcg short term usage
Side effects - high doses interfere with normal thyroid function.
- body weight loss
- tachycardia
- muscle weak
- high temperature
- sweaty palms

- burning in throat and mouth
- fever
- nausea, vomiting
- low pulse
- cynosis
- coma
Contraindications - hyperthyreoidism
- lithium
- antithyroid drugs (methimazole)
- propilthiouracil

- goitrogens - reduce iodine utilization and thyroid hormones synthesis
High risk groups - vegans
- people with low diary, fish and sea products diets
- pregnant and breast-feeding women
- patients with full parenteral diet
Composition formulas - mostly in form of potassium iodine
- algae products (kelp, spirulina, chlorella) and multivitamin - mineral products
Other remarks - soluble in non-polar solvents