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Supplement information: LUTEINE
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General description Fat-soluble carotene that protects eyes.
Found - egg yolk
- corn
- spinach
- kale
- broccoli
Anti-aging role - protect eyes against harmful effects of sunlight
- prevent macular degeneration caused by age
- prevent cataracta, retinitis and eye pigmentose
- can help in prevention of colon and breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases
Deficiency symptoms Not possible.
Therapeutic doses - prevention of cataracta and macular degeneration - 6 mg/day
- reducing symptoms of macular degeneration - 10 mg/day
Maximum safe level Not established.
Side effects Not recorded.
Interactions - zeaxanthin
High risk groups - patients with cystic fibrosis don't absorb carotens well
Composition formulas - usually in combinations with other carotens or vitamins in formulas for eyes health
Other remarks - luteine and zeaxanthine accumulate in the retinal tissue