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Supplement information: VITAMIN A (RETINOL)
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General description - fat - soluble vitamin
Found - fish
- liver
- milk
- cheese
- butter
- eggs
Anti-aging role - vision
- potent stimulator of growth hormone production
- skin (acne, psoriasis)
- bones
- reproductive organs
- boosting immunity (enhance TH2)
- protect against cancer
- healthy thyroid function
Deficiency symptoms - night blidness or loss of adaptation to the dark
- dry eye disease, sty in the eye
- increased susceptibility to infection (sinus and bronchial infection)
- drying out of skin and mucous membranes
- loss of the teste and smell
- loss of vigor
- defective teeth and gums
- slow growth
Therapeutic doses 7000 - 10 000 IU.
RDA for men - 3000 IU (900 mcg)
RDA for women - 2300 IU (700mcg)
European RDA - 800 mcg
Maximum safe level 3000 mcg - long - term usage
7500 mcg (25 000 IU) - short - term usage
People over the age sixty - five and those with liver disease are advised to take no more than 15 000 IU
Side effects - birth defects
- reduction in bone mineral density
- increase blood lipids
Interactions - isotretinoin
- resorcinol
- topical sulfur
- tazarotene