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Supplement information: POTASSIUM
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General description The most important intracellular cation important for muscle contractions.
Found - apricots, bananas
- lettuce
- broccoli
- potatoes
- fresh fruit and fruit juices
- sunflower seeds
- unsalted peanuts, nuts
- cocoa, chocolate
Anti-aging role - important for intracellular chemical reaction
- it helps to regulate water balance
- maintaining heart and muscle contractions
- nerve transmission
- required for proper carbohydrate metabolism
- can reduce high blood pressure, allergies and colic in babies
- lower risk of stroke
- enzyme cofactor
Deficiency symptoms - weakness of muscle
- mental confusion
- muscle cramping, soft and flabby muscles
- poor reflexes
- nervous system disruption
- constipation
- acne in young people, dry skin
- apathy
- sleepness
- irritability
- anorexia nevosa
- long-term potassium deficiency - muscle paralyses and arrhythmia
Therapeutic doses 2000 - 4000 mg / day
Athletes: 3000 - 6000 mg

American RDA: 99 mg
European RDA: 2000 mg
Side effects - black stool
- bloody stool
- diarrhea
- fatigue
Potassium deficiency cause:
- competitive aldosterone antagonists that keep potassium
- angiotensin inhibiting enzyme inhibitors
- anti-inflammatory drugs
- heparin
- digitalis
- alpha and beta blockers
- angiotensin blockers

Potassium excess cause:
- epinephrine
- decongestives
- bronchodilatators
- tocolitics
- diuretics
- minerealocorticoids and drugs with mineralocorticoid effect
- glucocorticioids in high doses
- antibiotics in high doses
- caffeine
- peholphtaleine
- sodium poliphenolstirate

- glycyrrhizinic acid from liquorice can low potassium level
High risk groups - patients on diuretic that increase potassium excretion
- alcoholics
- chronic diarrhea and vomiting
- people with anorexia or bulimia
- athletes
Composition formulas - chloride, citrate, gluconate
- potassium iodid - iodine supplementation
Other remarks - potassium salts are water soluble